These instructions must be followed at installations of Värmekabletekniks industrial cables on pipes. Värmekabeltekniks heating cables are available in three basic types: Self-limiting, parallel resistive and series resistive. Below you will find a table, which shows some of the characteristics which separate the cable from Värmekabelteknik from another.
Self-limiting | Parallel resistive | Series resistive | |
Applicable in Ex-zone | Yes | No 1) | No 1) |
Applicable on plastic pipes | Yes | Yes 2) | Yes 4) |
Can be cut in lengths on site | Yes | Yes | No |
Protects against overheating 3) | Yes | No | No |
Can be installed in long lengths | No | Yes | Yes |
Max temperature °C | 200 5) | 200 5) | 600 |
1 Exemption can be applied for specific applications
2 With outputs up to 12W/lm
3 Emitted output is reduced with rising temperature
4 Can be dimensioned with low outputs/running meter
5 With the supply voltage switched off