Velox Prefrost

Velox Prefrost

    Insulated Plastic tube with heating cable

  • Well insulated/energy saving – Self-limiting/automatically the right frost protection – Easy and quick installation

Frost protection for water supply and sewer systems

There are many examples of trouble due to frozen water pipes. In addition to the inconvenience caused by out-of-order water and discharge pipes, there may be material damages as well that are both expensive and difficult to repair.

Prefrost – The tube with built-in heat

Using Prefrost is the easy and quick way to get frost protected water pipes for a reasonable inclusive price.

In summer and winter Prefrost guarantees problem-free running water. It is a practical solution for workers sheds and other applications of non-stationary type where water is to be installed.

Prefrost is delivered as a ready unit, consisting of a plastic tube (32 mm), tee-conduit and heating cables, ready mounted for connection to water and supply mains.

Prefrost manages temperatures down to -30ºC without further insulation.

Since the heating cable is fitted inside the tube, Prefrost has a very high efficiency and consequently a very low energy consumption.

Prefrost is available in standard lengths according to the table. Other lengths on request.

Max. pressure tested to 25 Bar.

The Velox Prefrost-tube can be bought as an insulated tube, 32 mm Ø without heating cable.
The Velox Prefrost-tube has a black outer sheath, marked by the meter with numbers.
The prefrost-tube is delivered in a ring or on drum.

Prefrost ready-made units
Insulated plastic tube, heating cable, tee-bolt, plug

Beteckning Längd (m) Effekt (W) Bestnr
Prefrost total W/m
32/06 6 60 10.0 8986171
32/12 12 120 10.0 8986172
32/20 20 200 10.0 8986173
32/25 25 240 9.8 8986174
32/30 30 300 10.0 8986175
32/35 35 345 9.9 8986176
32/40 40 420 10.5 8986177
32/50 50 510 10.2 8986178